This is an excerpt from |
"The Police Artist
& Composite Drawings" |
By Horace J. Heafner |
Well over a hundred years
ago, law enforcement agencies began using composite drawings to aid in an investigation
where evidence was scant and the perpetrator unknown. No doubt there were many isolated
instances earlier that aided criminal investigations. Major cases such as: "Jack the
Ripper," "Lindbergh Kidnapping," "D.B. Cooper," the first airline
hijacker, "Assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King," "Richard Speck
Case," "Hillside Strangler," and the "Kidnapping of Patricia
Hearst" are but a few of the national and international cases where composite
drawings were used.
Man has been drawing the
human face as long as history has been recorded. The face presents a set of intriguing
characteristics that create a pattern of identifiable features. From this physiognomy, a
person is able to recognize thousands of faces, often linking names, personality,
background, etc. to them. In fact, a person is able to mentally encode a huge gallery of
faces and store them for later retrieval. Since no two faces are exactly alike, the facial
features (along with head shapes) lend themselves to a classification system.
In the 1880s,
Alphonse Bertillon, sometimes called the father of scientific detection, developed an
identification system referred to as "Portrait Parle" or "speaking
likeness." This system was a compilation of facial features taken from photographs
with descriptive detail provided. Originally, Bertillon meant for the catalog to be an
identification aid for the recognition of local prisoners but it later was found to be
useful in obtaining descriptions of unknown suspects. Bertillons classification
provided a basis for modern recall systems that would aid the artist in producing sketches
as well as the development of composite kits, catalogs and computer systems.
A research of the FBI
archives revealed an early use of the composite sketch. The sketch was done in 1920 for a
bombing incident that took place at an office on Wall Street. The investigation developed
a witness from a nearby blacksmith shop who had shod the horse of a stranger observed
carrying a covered object in back of his wagon. An interview with the blacksmith indicated
he felt capable of providing enough facial detail to have an artist prepare a drawing of
the stranger. A commercial artist was hired to make a sketch that provided a sufficient
likeness to develop leads with subsequent identification and arrest of the perpetrator.
Forensic Art related Historical Links |
More information on Alphonse
Bertillon. |
Historical Forensic
Artwork |
Alphonse Bertillon ID
Sheet |
Alphonse Bertillon Facial
Frontal VIew |
Alphonse Bertillon Facial
Profile View |
Early Postmortem Drawing
Mary Ann
"Polly" Nichols postmortem examination : "Five teeth were missing,
and there was a slight laceration of the tongue. There was a bruise running along the
lower part of the jaw on the right side of the face. That might have been caused by a blow
from a fist or pressure from a thumb. There was a circular bruise on the left side of the
face which also might have been inflicted by the pressure of the fingers. On the left side
of the neck, about 1 in. below the jaw, there was an incision about 4 in. in length, and
ran from a point immediately below the ear. On the same side, but an inch below, and
commencing about 1 in. in front of it, was a circular incision, which terminated at a
point about 3 in. below the right jaw. That incision completely severed all the tissues
down to the vertebrae. The large vessels of the neck on both sides were severed. The
incision was about 8 in. in length. the cuts must have been caused by a long-bladed knife,
moderately sharp, and used with great violence. No blood was found on the breast, either
of the body or the clothes. There were no injuries about the body until just about the
lower part of the abdomen. Two or three inches from the left side was a wound running in a
jagged manner. The wound was a very deep one, and the tissues were cut through. There were
several incisions running across the abdomen. There were three or four similar cuts
running downwards, on the right side, all of which had been caused by a knife which had
been used violently and downwards. the injuries were form left to right and might have
been done by a left handed person. All the injuries had been caused by the same
instrument." |
Jack-the-Ripper Suspect
Joseph Barnett
met Mary Jane Kelly on April 8th, 1887, and the two decided soon after to room together at
various locations for the next year and a half. By the time of the Ripper murders, they
were living in 13 Miller's Court, Dorset Street. This is the location where Kelly's
mutilated body would be found on November 9th, 1888. Barnett also fits well with the
F.B.I. Psychological Profile of the Ripper |
Percy Lefroy Mapleton
This early composite
drawing of Percy Lefroy Mapleton was used on a 1881 Scottland Yard wanted
poster. The Brighton Railway Murder 1881. When arrested, his victim's watch was
found hidden in his shoe. Lefroy was found guilty and hanged, but not before he had
confessed both to this crime and an earlier murder. |
It was the day before
Thanksgiving, Nov. 24, 1971. As Northwest Airlines Flight 305, from Portland, Ore., to
Seattle, sped along the runway preparing for takeoff, the man in Seat 18C, wearing
sunglasses and a dark suit, handed a flight attendant a note. It said he had a bomb and
threatened to blow up the Boeing 727 unless he received $200,000 cash and four parachutes
when the plane landed. The man in Seat 18C purchased his ticket under the name "Dan
Cooper." |
Composite of the Zodiac
The Zodiac Killers
spree started in 1966 and it wouldn't come to an end until around 1974. Why he stopped ?
No one knows, he just did, he was never caught.
He received his name after he scribbled zodiac signs around several of his victims. The
rare survivors from his attacks have described him as a heavy set man with glasses and red
There are numerous theories surrounding his identity, methods, and his reasoning behind
the astrological murders. His numbers vary according to sources. Some attribute only six
hits to this faceless maniac. Others believe the Zodiac has slayed up to 49 individuals.
Some have settled on 37 after a note he sent to a San Francisco paper on January 30, 1974
in which he wrote "Me-37 - SFPD-0." |
Lindbergh Kidnapping
About 8:30 p.m., on March
12, after receiving an anonymous telephone call, Dr. Condon received the fifth ransom
note, delivered by Joseph Perrone, a taxicab driver, who received it from an unidentified
stranger. The message stated that another note would be found beneath a stone at a vacant
stand, 100 feet from an outlying subway station. This note, the sixth, was found by
Condon, as indicated. Following instructions therein, the doctor met an unidentified man,
who called himself "John," at Woodlawn Cemetery, near 233rd Street and Jerome
Avenue. They discussed payment of the ransom money. The stranger agreed to furnish a token
of the child's identity. Condon was accompanied by a bodyguard, except while talking to
"John." During the next few days, Dr. Condon repeated his advertisements, urging
further contact and stating his willingness to pay the ransom.
Sketches of
"John," who received the Lindbergh kidnap ransom money. |